Can Anaemic and Vit B12 defficient Individuals attempt Weight Loss? - Dr. Anantharaman Ramakrishnan

B12 deficiency and anemia are micro-nutrient malnutrition, so they are typically because of iron deficiency or because of B12 deficiency or some other micro-nutrient malnutrition. And people for obese have micro nutrient malnutrition in the opposite direction over nutrition so reducing calorie intake is important in which we reduce the weight. A diet does not mean that you compromise the quality of the food we can actually maintain the quality of the nutrition by reducing the quantity deliberately quiet possible someone with the B12 deficiency and anaemia to actually go on a diet and reduce their weight. Make sure their anemia is corrected very quickly so that can be accomplished by inject-able B12 therapy and also with oral or iv iron in the oral iron iv iron. The major challenge with attempting weight loss in you are anemic or B12 deficient is because of poor muscle function exercise may become very difficult, so once we correct anaemia within a couple of weeks good exercise capacity can be restored and you can actually attempt a good amount of weight loss even while you are diagnosed with anaemia B12 deficiency.
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