Archive for October, 2023

What is Hepatitis C and Why Should You Care?

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What is Hepatitis C and Why Should You Care?

Hepatitis C is a viral infection causing liver disease. Over 3 million people in the US are infected with hepatitis C and over half remain undiagnosed. The vast majority of individuals living with hepatitis C do not have symptoms. Hepatitis C is transmitted through contact with infected blood and many are unaware of their infection. If left untreated, hepatitis C can damage the liver to the point of cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver failure. The good news is that there are short-duration treatments that can lead to cure. The Johns Hopkins Viral Hepatitis Center is here to help more people get tested, treated and cured of this life-threatening disease. Learn more at:

VA announced that it is on track to eliminate the hepatitis C virus (HCV) in as few as two months, in all Veterans willing and able to be treated.

As of March 3, 2019, nearly 116,000 Veterans started all-oral hepatitis C medications in VA, of which 96,654 Veterans completed treatment and have been cured.

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Why You Should Be Careful With Psyllium Husk Fiber Supplement

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​@chubbyemu video about Fiber Supplement:
@HemeReview Audio-only episode A Grandma Collapsed From Abdominal Pain. This Is What Happened To Her Colon:–This-Is-What-Happened-To-Her-Colon-eu9rol

Psyllium husk fiber supplement can be part of a healthy diet, but it must be taken correctly. It has been shown to lower cholesterol levels to an extent, but is best in combination with a proper diet. Always take care to mix psyllium husk with more than enough water. It can become thick and cause problems if it isn’t.

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Potential Benefits of Dietary Fibre Intervention in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Effects of psyllium on glucose and serum lipid responses in men with type 2 diabetes and hypercholesterolemia

Anaphylaxis following psyllium ingestion

Long-term cholesterol-lowering effects of psyllium as an adjunct to diet therapy in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia

Psyllium is a form of fiber made from the husks of the Plantago ovata plant’s seeds.
It’s most commonly known as a laxative. However, research shows that taking psyllium is beneficial to many parts of the human body, including the heart and the pancreas.

1.Digestive health

This means it soaks up water in your gut and makes bowel movements much easier and can help promote regularity without increasing flatulence. It can be used as a one-off to ease constipation, or it can be added to your diet to help promote regularity and overall digestive health.

Psyllium is a prebiotic — a substance needed for healthy colonies of probiotics to grow in the gut.
A healthy colony of good bacteria in the digestive system is essential for healthy immune function. Your body is better able to fight infection, reduce inflammation, and maintain healthy tissue and cells.
Besides keeping your bowel movements regular and managing a chronic condition, psyllium has the ability to soften your stool provided you drink enough water. This can come in handy with short-term ailments, such as constipation. Used in this way, it can prevent complications of constipation, such as hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

2.Heart health
Research has shown that taking soluble fiber can help people manage their cholesterol levels. Proper cholesterol regulation is important for everyone, but it’s vital for people over the age of 50.
One study shows that at least six weeks of daily psyllium intake is an effective way for people who are obese or overweight to lower their cholesterol with very few side effects.
If you’ve been told that you need to watch your cholesterol, ask your doctor if adding psyllium to a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet will help you.

Numerous studies have shown that fiber like psyllium, taken as part of a healthy diet, can help lower a person’s risk of heart disease. Psyllium can affect your heart by lowering blood pressure, improving lipid levels, and strengthening heart muscle.

3.Watching your weight
Maintaining a healthy weight is a concern for many people, especially those with a chronic condition like diabetes. Besides being good for your heart and blood sugar levels, psyllium may help you lose weight.
Because psyllium absorbs liquid in your body, it can help give you a feeling of being full. This can help you control the amount of food you eat.

People with diabetes have to be mindful of their diet to maintain a healthy balance of insulin and blood sugar . Some research has suggested that fibers like psyllium can help people maintain a healthy glycemic balance.

One study found that taking 5 grams of psyllium twice a day can help people with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar. Another study of people with type 2 diabetes found similar results, but stressed that psyllium therapy should be tailored to the individual.
Follow all product instructions carefully. Don’t take any more than the recommended dosage unless your doctor tells you otherwise.
Video Rating: / 5

The Key to Losing Weight with Type 2 Diabetes | GlucoseZone

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Get Active, Lose Weight, and Control Blood Sugar with GlucoseZone

GlucoseZone™ – Online workouts for getting active, losing weight, and controlling your diabetes

Exercise helps your body lose weight by improving your insulin sensitivity, using calories for energy, and building larger muscles that require more energy. Learn more at

GlucoseZone empowers people living with diabetes through Fitness by providing coaching, exercise, food, products and content based on the individual’s real time blood sugar levels, medication requirements and diabetes and fitness goals.

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