Archive for November, 2019

A cook on the wild side SE01 part 1

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How Coffee Affects Your Weight

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How coffee affects your weight. When it comes to the actual nutritional value of coffee, however, not everyone can seem to agree on whether or not this caffeinated drink can be considered “healthy”, especially for people who are trying to lose weight. Let’s take a closer look at that cuppa joe you pour yourself every day and see how it can affect your weight loss regime for the better…as well as for the worse.

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Let’s start with some of the positives about coffee: on its own, black coffee is extremely low in calories. And when we say “extremely”, we mean it: one cup of black coffee contains as little as 2 calories. However, the same can’t be said for some of coffee’s most popular additives, such as cream, milk and sugar, all of which add an additional surplus calories to your morning brew.

In addition to being low in calories, coffee has a high caffeine content which can potentially help your weight loss routine by speeding up your body’s metabolism. By boosting your metabolism, the number of calories you burn also increases, which can help you lose weight at a faster rate as a result. Don’t cancel your gym membership just yet though, according to experts, it would take an exceptionally large dosage of caffeine from coffee in order to boost your metabolism by a significant amount.

Finally, coffee can also prevent unnecessary weight gain by reducing your appetite and therefore encouraging you to eat less than you normally would. This is because drinking coffee is hypothesized to reduce your body’s levels of a certain hormone known as ghrelin; ghrelin is a hormone produced by your gut and sends signals through your bloodstream to your brain, which leads to feeling of hunger.

So now that we’ve covered some of the potential benefits that coffee can have on weight loss, it’s time to discuss the elephant in the room: what are some ways in which coffee might affect your weight negatively? For starters, an excess of caffeine can have a negative impact on your sleep patterns, which in turn, can make it harder for you to lose weight.

Additionally, we previously mentioned that popular added ingredients such as milk and sugar can potentially bog down your coffee with additional calories, effectively undoing the low-calorie benefits of black coffee in the first place.

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Cleanse, Detox & Fasting for Health, Weight Loss, Diet, Nutrition, How to, Top 10 Healthy Tips

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Cleanse, Detox & Fasting for Health, Weight Loss, Diet, Nutrition, How to, Top 10 Healthy Tips
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Cleanse, Detox & Fasting for Health, #WeightLoss, Diet, Nutrition, How to, Top 10 Healthy Tips

Corrina reveals the top 10 tips for Cleanse, Detox and Fasting Diets!!

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I Heard Chia Seeds Help To Lose Weight, But I Didn't Expect Such A Result So Quickly!

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I Heard Chia Seeds Help To Lose Weight, But I Didn't Expect Such A Result So Quickly!

Have you heard about the multiple benefits of chia seeds? They are among the healthiest foods on the planet.

Chia seeds are loaded with nutrients that can have important benefits for your body and brain.

Chia is loaded with fiber, squeezing nearly 11 grams of fiber into a single ounce. This means that adding just one ounce of chia seeds into your daily diet can supply a whopping 44 percent of your fiber needs for the entire day.

Because of their rich fiber content, chia seeds benefit digestive health by promoting regularity and increasing stool frequency to prevent constipation. The fiber also acts as a prebiotic to provide fuel for the beneficial bacteria in the gut, which plays a central role in many aspects of health and disease.

Plus, the fiber in chia seeds also absorbs a good amount of water and expands in the stomach, helping to keep you feeling fuller for longer. This may explain why clinical studies show that using chia seeds for weight loss could be effective by curbing hunger and suppressing appetite.

Many health experts believe that chia seeds can aid weight loss.
Its soluble fiber absorbs large amounts of water and expands in your stomach, which should increase fullness and slow the absorption of food.

Several studies have examined the soluble fiber glucomannan, which works in a similar way, showing that it can lead to weight loss. Also, the protein in chia seeds could help reduce appetite and food intake.

In fact, one study found that eating chia seeds for breakfast increased satiety and reduced food intake in the short-term.

Want to know about other health benefits of chia seeds? Watch this video till the very end!

Disclaimer: We strongly advise you to consult a specialist before beginning any treatment program or making any adjustment to your health care, diet, or/and your lifestyle. Do not remove yourself from any prescribed medications or treatments without consulting your physician. Any and all dietary supplements or nutritional products and treatments discussed in this video are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any health condition. The information contained in this video is for general information and for educational purposes only. Nothing contained in this video is or shall be or considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Viewers should always seek the advice of a medical practitioner with any questions regarding their health. Never disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical advice or following the advice of a physician because of something you have seen or watched.

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Are you tired of trying weight loss solutions?. Have failed in your weight loss attempts?. Obesity is the most spread health issue all over the world and weight loss is not an easy process. Extra weight brings a line of diseases with it. Therefore, weight management is essential. Here, I am going to share with you the remedy to make chia seeds weight loss drink at home to lose weight naturally.

Chia Seeds Weight Loss Drink for Quick Weight Loss.

Here is the recipe to make a weight loss drink at home with chia seeds to get rid of extra body weight quickly. For this, the ingredients you need are.


Lukewarm water : one glass.
Chia seeds : one tablespoon.
Honey : one tablespoon.
Lemon : half.


Take one glass of lukewarm water and in it, add one tablespoon of chia seeds.
After this, add one tablespoon of honey.
Next, add half lemon.
Now, mix all of these ingredients well.
Weight loss drink is ready for use now……….

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